Consistency Means Just That

Consistency Means Just That

Here it is, the second half of January is over, and the gym is back to normal.

It’s just too crazy to think about the first three or four weeks of January.

People who had made a resolution to be healthy in the New Year are now abandoning their efforts and returning to business as usual.

This is a good thing, as the gym gets crowded with everyone.

It’s so true!

There is no consistent approach to New Year’s resolutions, whether it is weight watching, cold calling, or the gym.

They often start strong, but then something happens.

Ninety percent or three-quarters of the things you promised to do in the next year are gone.

It’s okay; there’s always next year!

As many people will tell you, “Stuff happens.”

This is not something you should buy or participate in.

You are a star in the development industry – don’t get taken in.

Consistency is the ability to do it consistently every day, every week, and in every way possible. It will happen in your life.

It can get boring at times, but that’s okay.

Yes, you don’t “feel like it.” It is essential to stop feeling like you are doing it.

This is your year. You are going to make it a success. Here are three keys to help you be consistent in everything you do.

1. Consistency begins one day at a.

If you don’t intend to live it, don’t say it. It is essential to make it real if you don’t intend on letting it go.

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It was nearly 25 years ago that I quit smoking. But, I was almost unable to make it. I was ready for a cigarette, even though it was January’s later. My good friend, who had quit drinking, came to my rescue. It was straightforward for him to say it. “Manny, stop living for tomorrow, stop living for today.” Tomorrow is another day, and you will be able to deal with it. Since then, I’ve never looked back.

Consistency is achieved by taking one day at a given time.

2. Consistency is a “GUT” thing.

It is essential to feel it and to commit to it deep down.

It is necessary to personally commit that you will do this. Most people are not committed beyond the surface.

That was my commitment when I was in Marine Corps Bootcamp. I was determined to return home with my uniform. It was impossible to give up, no matter how hard it was. It became my way of living.

3. Accept no less than what you have committed to.

It is difficult to maintain consistency.

It is unmistakable.

However, success is not easy.

Do you desire to be like everyone else?

Are you looking to be average?

Do you want to be a star?

You can make it happen if you promise to do it in the next year. The results will amaze you.

What are you going to do this year to make your presentations consistent? To present consistently well to a group. To close more deals. To generate more leads.