How to Plan a Successful Hotel Grand Opening?

How to Plan a Successful Hotel Grand Opening

You must ensure that your grand opening is memorable for all the right reasons. These are our top three tips for a successful launch.

Tip1 – Share your vision

Although it may seem obvious, the key to launching a successful event is finding the answers to “What, Who? When, Why? Where?” Because you won’t be able to accomplish your goals if you don’t know why you organized the event, the question “why” is crucial.

It takes more than just a few people to make any event a success. Your team can help you achieve your goals by sharing your vision.

Tip 2: Highlight existing features in your hotel

Event planners focus on transforming spaces to create memorable experiences that your guests will never forget. You should find a balance between creating a memorable brand experience and preserving the hotel’s existing features without sacrificing them. Your main goal is for guests to leave your event with positive impressions of the hotel. This is not just a fun event.

A professional hotel consultant can help you organize events if you don’t have the skills.

Tip 3 – Expand the reach of your event

Many people believe that the event is over, and you are no longer able to have an impact on customers or guests. The post-event follow-up is a vital tool to keep your business relationships alive after the opening. When your customer or guest thinks the event is over, surprise them with a bottle of coconut water and a thank-you note.

Don’t forget to give away giveaways! Make sure to give your guests and potential guests small giveaways that have your hotel name on them. This will help you keep your guests coming back. This allows guests to take a small piece of your hotel home and remember the great experience they had at it.

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A successful hotel grand opening does not have to cost a lot. The majority of hoteliers are afraid of spending too much on grand openings of luxury hotels. So they opt for a more casual tour and a simple reception. Instead, use the following steps to create a memorable event that will inspire guests and leave a lasting impression about your hotel. When opening a hotel, it is crucial to connect your brand (hotel) to your guests in a memorable way. You can also hire a professional hotel consultant who will take care of everything for you.