5 Steps To Turn Your Business Around

5 Steps To Turn Your Business Around

This is often how I imagine riding a rollercoaster for the first time. It is a long wait, and you are anxious, nervous, and curious all at once. You finally get to take your seat. It is your only choice to do it.

You will reach a point in your climb when you feel both release and trust. There is a two-second silence at the top of the hill. This allows you to almost lose your breath. You can be sure you will be safely brought home at this point. You laugh and scream the entire ride. The coaster slows down and eventually stops. You get off the coaster and feel satiated and exhilarated.

It wasn’t nearly as frightening as you thought.

It is not an easy process to reach a turning point within your business. It’s not just one thing. It’s a series of cyclical changes that occur when everything changes and shifts. These five steps made a big difference in my business.

1. Stop Blaming Someone or Something Else

I learned to be highly aware of my surroundings and stopped blaming others, lack of experience, or the system I was using. This sounds familiar? Then commit to taking control of your destiny and life. You are the only one who can direct your actions and results.

2. Take a look at previous breakthroughs

When I looked back on previous turning points in the business, I saw that they were all due to attending live events. Every single one brought me a massive boost of energy and productivity. Attend as many live events and conferences as you can afford.

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3. Establish a Deadline

I gave myself a deadline. If my business was not profitable by December 22, it wasn’t the platform or system but for me. I will take a look in the mirror and decide not to move forward. To have a business, you need to make money. To prove that this wasn’t a hobby but a business, I needed a hard deadline.

4. Stop using Backup Excuses

It’s easy to keep a backup plan in your head. In case your business fails, you have a backup plan. I had to be 100% committed to my business and remove the “what if” plan from my mind.

5. Sign Up For Mentorship

I came to realize that I not only needed a mentor but also that I had to TRUST their process.

Be open to the idea that you are in good hands. Don’t let your blinders get in the way of what they are telling you. Instead, focus on what actions they are leading you to take. It is all about the action, not the expectation.

Sometimes you might find yourself making excuses and blaming others. But don’t let that stop you from continuing to work on step 1. It is action, not expectation.

Only you can build your business and make a difference in where you are going. Move on from plan B to achieve your breakthrough.

Dee Carlson, a retired stay-at-home mom, loves to spend time with her family, including riding horses, riding motorcycles, and skiing. Network Marketing is what she believes in! Dee loves sharing the tips and tricks that she has learned along her journey. Follow a proven process and avoid information overload.

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