6 Rules to Building a Simple, Elegant and Sustainable Service-Based Business

6 Rules to Building a Simple, Elegant and Sustainable Service-Based Business

The process of creating YOUR own expression through your business that reflects elegance, simplicity, and significance.

1. Be Nimble

Learn from the playbook of tech startups and adopt the “Rapid Prototyping” mindset.

It’s a must to start somewhere, but you’ll not be able to tell until you take the initiative, experience the results, and learn by watching the real reactions of real people.

Don’t go in circles in the hope of getting every marketing exercise to appear perfect. Don’t think that if you receive the endorsement of a business mentor, your company will be unstoppable.

Develop your talents by doing a good job… then observe the areas where you are exceptional.

Be ready to change. Focus on the highest standards, not to ease.

Do not get too attached because you’ve put in time and money into a course or certificate. Every step leads to a final product that’s unique because you bring a unique mix of abilities and experience.

2. Don’t Spread Too Thin

We’ve heard a million and one reasons we must “fill the funnel” – the tripwire, the freebies, the eBook, the online course, large group programs, smaller group programs, private coaching, and the live event.

When the coaches break down the numbers and explain how to achieve “6 figures,” it seems pretty damn great… If you are able to do seven things in one go.

But, it’s likely that you’re not the best at providing every single style. You might snort at some and then pull your arse over other formats… People are able to smell it from miles away when you’re not excited about it.

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If it’s just something you want to mark off, Do not do it.

There’s no need to be able to cover every “rung” of what a “business model” should look like. It’s not necessary to sell everything that everybody else sells.

You must find those expressions that let you reach your level of genius for as long as is possible. And become unapologetically proficient at it.

3. Redefine “Leveraging.”

What’s with “leveraging?” You might be asking – since it’s yet another soundbite that’s irresponsible, which is being tossed around.

Responsible since it’s defined narrowly and can often lead us into a rabbit hole.

Explore the “leveraging = 1: many” box in the shape of online courses, digital products, or group programs.

(Note that you must put in the time and effort required to produce the content before you get paid… There’s a chance to earn a. What is the most efficient method to use your time and effort? Have you completed the necessary work to ensure you don’t have any cricket noises to hear during your start?)

Leveraging could simply mean that you work on your skills, get skilled at it, then articulate the importance and value to be able to charge a premium.

4. Forget “Charge What You’re Worth.”

This is my biggest pet peeve.

Don’t be tied to the amount people are willing to pay… this is empowering.

I’ve heard of coaches being at any time in a course that they must charge a ridiculous amount per month (even if they’re only getting started )… otherwise ). They’re not doing it correctly).


Before we discuss numbers, Let’s discuss what the numbers mean.

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It’s all about how you contribute to the conversation. It’s about how you can create significance and provide value.

It’s all about being able to speak it out loudly with confidence and with a clear conscience.

Your price can only be as effective as the amount people will pay. It’s all about how well and honestly you communicate the value and great work to live up to and beyond what you promise.

The companies that charge $10k per month and claim it’s worth every cent and more did not start out there. They are able to deliver and demand a fair price of the worth they provide for their customers.

Work hard. Do not put yourself on a high-heeled pedestal. Get yourself into the trenches.

5. Get Out Of the Bubble

All of the programs, coaching, and training put our ears in the same echo.

It took me nearly an entire year to get rid of my addiction so that I could hear what I thought.

Take the best decision for yourself. Avoid getting caught up in noise bytes and ad hominem.

There’s a backlash against all sales pitches or online courses as well as coaching programs in this area. If everyone is trying to convince you that something has the same sound as the next person, the market becomes frustrated, skeptical, and hesitant.

You must be more certain than ever about what YOU and your company require in the present moment prior to investing. This isn’t “if you’re unwilling to invest in yourself (and whip out the credit card now), you can’t expect others to invest in you,” the cliche which is selfish or based on fear. BS.

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It’s not just about the amount of money. It’s also the time and space in your mind – if you devote your time and space to something, you’ll not need it for things that are important.

6. Be Honest With Yourself

At the end of your journey, it is YOU who matters.

Don’t waste time asking your Facebook group members how you can make choices. Don’t let your brain be lazy. Accept responsibility.

The majority of people whom you meet will eventually leave your radar. Your actions need to be meaningful for you.

Ling Wong:: Intuitive Brainiac | Creativity Mentor | Copywriting Alchemist. The author of “Copywriting Alchemy: Secrets to Turning a Powerful Personal Brand Into Content That Sells” is now sold on Amazon.

With her unique mix of coaching for marketing along with copywriting and content strategy, She assists maverick entrepreneurs in identifying, communicating, and transforming their reasons for being into material that is resonant, resonates, and converts. This is done by means of an intuitive but rigorous method that is based on Harvard Design School training and fifteen years of experience in the field of online marketing.

Ling is Inbound marketing, content marketing as well as Email Marketing certified. Through her writing collaborations with a variety of SaaS and marketing businesses that aim to drive organic traffic, gaining readership, and increasing conversion rates, she’s knowledgeable about topics like digital marketing, online content marketing conversion, eCommerce UX, and social media marketing, and many more.