What Is an EMI Receiver and What Is the EMI Test System

What Is an EMI Receiver and What Is the EMI Test System

The most important piece of equipment in an Electromagnetic Compatibility lab or engineering facility is the measuring receiver (spectrum analyser or EMI receiver). Different types of measuring receivers are used to identify and fix EMI problems that often arise during product development. After all EMI adjustments have been made, measurement receivers can be used to perform full compliance certification testing before the product is shipped to customers. We’ll now discuss these units.

The purpose of a Measuring Receiver


EMI receivers and spectrum analyzers can be used to detect the radiated or conducted emissions from electronic equipment. They are combined with appropriate cables and transducers (antennas, LISNs, E/H field probes, etc.). These are the.


These spectrum analyzers and measuring receivers are essential instruments for viewing RF signal. Oscilloscopes, on the other hand, look at signals within the time domain while a measuring receiver does so in frequency domain.


The spectrum analyzer or EMI receiver will show the vertical and horizontal magnitudes of RF signals.


What is EMI/EMC Testing?


Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), refers to the ability of an electronic device to operate in an electromagnetic environment, without being affected or interfering with other electronic devices. EMC testing can be divided into two types.


Emissions refer to electromagnetic disturbances that are emitted from an electronic piece of equipment and can cause damage or failure in another electronic gadget in the same environment.

Immunity/Susceptibility – Immunity is an electronic equipment’s capacity to perform properly in an electromagnetic environment without encountering disruption as a result of emissions from another electronic device.

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EMC testing is influenced by the nature and intended use of the equipment, as well as the regulatory restrictions that regulate its use. EMC testing can simulate the following electromagnetic phenomena

Like the magnetic fields emitted from electric lines, magnetic fields are also created

A brownout or power outage can cause voltage to drop.

Lightning-caused electromagnetic spikes

The emission of electromagnetic noise, which is both generated and conducted

Electrostatic discharges are caused by static electricity

Why conduct an EMI Test?

There are many reasons why EMI testing should be delayed until the end of a project. First, there is the difficulty in conducting this type of testing. There are however specialized labs that have all the equipment and staff to help.


Another common misconception is that power supplies are the main source of EMC issues. If a power supply passes its standalone testing then the system into which it is plugged will also pass. It doesn’t work that way, as power supplies are a “messenger” and not the source of EMC problems.


Cost is another factor. It is more expensive to make changes to your design before production begins than it is to do so earlier. Screening tests performed earlier in the process are far less expensive than full-scale certification testing. Repairs are much cheaper if you catch problems early.


This was an introduction to the EMI receiver system. This article is hoped to be helpful.